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文档介绍:摘要 I 摘要奥地利维也纳分离派的代表人物—居斯塔夫·克里姆特( Gustay Klimt ) ,其绘画风格标新立异,引领着当时奥地利文化艺术发展的潮流,并对后世绘画及其它艺术发展都产生了深远的影响。在绘画中他大胆的从西方传统绘画的束缚中解脱出来,将东方艺术的表现元素和西方的绘画技法相结合,形成极具个性化的装饰象征主义、表现主义风格。本文从克里姆特独特的绘画风格进行研究,在绘画中他以装饰象征主义、表现主义手法,阐释出人类生命所蕴含的深层意蕴。在绘画中克里姆特以一种全新的视角审视着传统绘画艺术,他大胆的从东方艺术中吸收借鉴养分,使自己的绘画风格流露出东方浓郁的装饰性意味,其创新精神正是当代绘画艺术中,所不可或缺的内在本质之一。也正因为如此,使研究克里姆特的绘画风格更具有实质性的意义和审美价值。本文从四个部分对克里姆特的绘画风格进行全面、全新的阐述,展现出他绘画风格的独特一面。论文第一部分,从克里姆特绘画风格的形成原因进行全面细致的分析,即通过时代背景、欧洲艺术思潮和东方艺术的影响进行详细的阐释,找出促使他绘画风格转变的原因;从而反映出克里姆特在新的文化艺术的冲击下,大胆创新的精神。论文第二部分,主要讲述的是对克里姆特绘画风格形式语言的分析,通过他作品的构成形式和造型语言,来阐述他独特的绘画风格特征。论文第三部分,从克里姆特绘画作品的人物肖像题材、风景题材为出发点,来揭示出他绘画作品的主题下所蕴含得深层内涵。论文第四部分,主要讲述克里姆特绘画风格对当时奥地利和西方各类艺术发展的影响,从而促使艺术风格发展趋势驶向更广阔的空间。关键词: 克里姆特艺术风格形式语言绘画题材情感表现 Abstract II Abstract Gustay . Klimt ,representative of Vienna Secessi on in Austria, created new and original painting style ,and he leaded a trend developmen t of culture and art in Austria , his painting style spreaded far and wide ,and deep ly influenced on the drawing and other art development in later ages. Bravely breakin g from the Western painting tradition, he absorbed the elements of Oriental Art bined it to the west painting techniques ,and e into a highly personalized styl e of decorative symbolism and expressionism. This article researched about Klimt's special painting style , and to expound the inherently meaning of the human life through a skill of the d ecorative symbolism an d expressionism in his painting. Klimt reviewed tradition drawing art from a new angle and bravely use the resource of the Oriental Art ,and made his painting showing a strongly oriental decorative flavour. His painting showed str ongly innovative spirit which is necessary, and it is one of the inherent and essential elements of the contemporary painting of art. And because of which, researching Klimt's art style in this article has a vital significance and aesthetic value. The article divides into four departments to fully and ne wly showing Klimt's special painting