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历史学论文 李鸿章外交新论.doc

上传人:changjinlai 2016/8/5 文件大小:120 KB


历史学论文 李鸿章外交新论.doc



文档介绍:李鸿章外交新论摘要: 在儒家文化熏陶下的李鸿章,适逢其会于“数千年未有之变局”的清末。因其卓越的见识,非凡的才能,敏锐洞察力,得继曾国藩之权位,成为晚清第一权臣,独揽军、政、外交大权三十余年。外交为其一生所为重要之事,提出以“和戎”为基本立足点,以“以夷制夷”为指导性策略,以“诚信相交”为外交原则的外交策略。用其处理对外事务,有失有得,总体而言,得少失多,甚至得不偿失,丧权辱国,致使中华民族陷入空前的危难,逐渐沦为半殖民之国。是否因此就可以把卖国贼的帽子扣在李鸿章的头上呢?李鸿章所处之时代,中国清末之时代。国势日下,列强屡屡叩关,签订之约多为城下之约,只有允与不允的两择, 订立丧权辱国的条约实属无奈之举。然为什么所签之约多为李鸿章所为呢,试问谁又愿意承担卖国的骂名?食君之禄,忠君之事,皇命不得不允。李鸿章一生倡办洋务,“徐图自强”大大推进中国近代化,客观上讲李鸿章既非卖国也非爱国, 而是误国。前车当为后车之鉴,今人当谨记之,吸取教训,总结经验,以资当世之用。关键词: 李鸿章;外交策略;和戎 On the new Foreign Affairs Li hong zhang abstract: Gradually influences in Confucianist culture Li Hongzhang, happens to present “ has not had the change in situation in several thousand years ” end of the Qing. Because of its remarkable experience, the extraordinary ability, the keen insight, authority of following the Zeng Guofan, es the latter Qing dynasty first powerful minister, arrogates to oneself the armed forces, political, the diplomatic power authority 30 remaining years of life. The diplomacy for its life behavior important matter, proposed that take “ and Rung ” as the basic standpoint, uses one barbarian to control the other take `' as the guidance strategy, take `good faith intersection ' as diplomatic principle diplomatic politics. With its processing foreign business, has loses has, overall, little loses many, even the gain does not equal the loss, loses dignity and has the country insulted, causes the Chinese nation