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文档介绍:摘要本篇论文是在马克思主义史学观的指导下,依据文献资料、考古学材料、民族学资料、社会学材料及甲骨I-辞,在前人研究成果的基础上,对商族的婚姻制度进行了较为全面的探讨。全文共分四个部分。第一部分对前人研究商族婚姻制度的成果进行了回顾,并在比较诸家观点的基础上,提出自己的观点第二部分从商族的起源、经济生活方式、世系三个方面来论述商族在契至王亥时就已经实行一夫一妻制名义下的一夫多妻制了。但这时商族先公的众多配偶还没有嫡庶之分。第三部分从经济基础、庙号与世系、继承制度、宗法制度等方面来论述商族自上甲以降,先公先王开始有法定配偶,且众配偶之间开始有嫡庶之分,商族开始实行真正意义上的一夫一妻制。第四部分为小结,对本文的主要内容进行了概括性的总结。关键词:商族;婚姻制度;一夫一妻制 ABSTItACT Guided by zhe historical value of Marxism andbased by zhe documents, archae0109ical materials, sociological materials, ethnological materials and oracle inscriptions,this thesis prehensively into zhe system of matrimony of the Shang people on the base of the research achievements of the predecessors. It’S divided into four parts Inthe first part,I data back to the research results on the system ofmatrimony oftheShang people,and put forward to my view paring with every school’S standpoint. In the second part,I probe into that the Shang people’S system of matrimony during the period King Qi to King Hai was already monogamy,alrough it’S substance is the style that a man could marry several wives and there was no primary wife from the originality of Shang people,life style and pedigree. Inthethird part,from zheShang people’S ancestral temple name and pedigree,economic base,the system of ession and patriarchal system we prove that the Kings since Shangjiawei died(include Shangjiawei)began have the legal partner and the primary wiwes started to appear,the Shang people began to practice zhe ture meaning’S monogamy. In the last part,the main points are summed up. Key words:Shang People:zhe system ofmatrimony:monogamy 商族的婚姻制度婚姻制度的发展与完善是社会文明进步的标志之一。恩格斯曾说过:“一定历史时代和一定地区内的人们生活于其下的社会制度,受着两种生产的制约:一方面受劳动的发展阶段的制约,另一方面受家庭的发展阶段的制约。”①所以, 研究商族的婚姻制度对于研究商族的社会制度具有重要的意义。谈到商族的婚姻制度,当然要包括商族社会统治阶层的婚姻制度和被统治阶层的婚姻制度。本文研究的主要是统治阶层的婚姻制度。为了使研究对象更具普遍意义,我们剔除了其中一些特殊因素,从而尽可能地再现商族婚姻制度的全貌。(一)对前人研究商族婚姻制度成果的回顾恩格斯根据人类学家摩尔根发现的家庭关系和亲属制度的矛盾入手,考察了早期家庭形式的产生和发展历程,揭示了人类历史上依次更迭的三种主要婚姻制度:“群婚制是与蒙昧时代相适应的,对偶婚制是与野蛮时代相适应的,以通奸和***为补充的一夫一妻制是与文明时代相适应的。”o 综观商族婚姻制度的发展演变历程,与世界