文档介绍:- Classified Index: TM76 : Dissertation for the Master Degree in Engineering STUDY OF DADINGSHAN WIND FARM PLANNING Candidate: Zhang Lei Supervisor: Prof. Liu Ruiye Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Specialty: Electrical Engineering Affiliation: Harbin Power Bureau Date of Defence: Sep, 2010 Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文- I - 摘要当今,全球正面临着气候变化和能源短缺的严峻挑战。日益增长的能源需求、能源安全问题得到了越来越多的关注。风能,是现代社会最具效率的能源之一,能够帮助我们应对这些问题。风能安全、清洁,资源丰富,取之不尽, 用之不竭。风能是一种永久性的大量存在的本地资源,可以为我们提供长期稳定的能源供应。风资源评估和风电场规划是风电场建设的前期环节和重点工作。做好评估和规划对充分利用风力资源和提高风场的综合效能有着举足轻重的作用。本文以宾县大顶山风电场为研究对象,对于风资源评估及风电场规划理论及技术进行深入的分析和研究,详细分析当地风能资源数据,从而较为准确地预计由此产生的经济效益,确定当地建设风电场的可行性、选择合适的风力发电机组和风电场接入电网方案等,以期最大限度地利用当地的风能资源,为当地经济社会的快速发展提供清洁而高效的动力。主要内容如下: (1) 分析并确定宾县大顶山风电场风资源评估的理论方法,包括对风资源基本参数的测算与风电场特性参数分析方法;确定检验和校正测风数据的方法;选择了本课题研究所用的风资源评估应用软件( WAs P ) 。(2) 利用实测数据及计算软件,从基本评估依据、气象数据分析、现场测风情况和风力资源条件等几个方面对宾县大顶山的风资源进行详细的分析与评估,根据评估结果,确定了风电场建设的可行性。(3) 利用 WAs P 软件详细分析宾县大顶山风电场的装机规模,估算其发电量,并对宾县地区进行电力平衡分析,初步制定该风电场接入电网方案。通过上述统计、分析和计算,我们得出了大顶山风电场的规划结论:该风场的盛行风向较稳定,有效风小时数多, 没有破坏性风速,风力资源丰富,具备接入电网的条件,工程开发可行。关键词: 风力发电;风资源;评估;风场规划哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文- II - Abstract Today, the world is facing climate changes and energy shortage challenges. Growing energy demand, energy security issues are more and more payed attention to. Wind power, one of the most efficient en ergy, can help us address these issues in modern society. Wind energy is secure, clean, rich in resource and inexhaustible. As is a permanent presence of a large number of local resource, wind power can provide us with long-term stable energy supply. Assessment of wind resource and wind farm planning is the early part and priorities of the construction of wind farm. Evaluation and planning plays an important role in the full use of wi nd resource and the enhancement of the combined effectiveness of wind farm. In this paper, we study the Dadingshan wind farm as the research object,