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数控技术 毕业论文英文文献翻译翻译.doc

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数控技术 毕业论文英文文献翻译翻译.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/8/8 文件大小:62 KB


数控技术 毕业论文英文文献翻译翻译.doc


文档介绍:-1- NC Technology 1、 Research current situation of NC lathe in our times Research and development process to such various kinds of new technologies as numerical control lathe , machining center , FMS , CIMS ,etc. of countries all over the world, linked to with the international economic situation closely. The machine tool industry has international economy to mutually promote and develop, enter 21 alert eras of World Affairs, the function that people's knowledge plays is more outstanding , and the machine tool industry is regarded as the foundation of the manufacturing industry of the machine, its key position and strategic meaning are more obvious. Within 1991-1994 years, the economic recession of the world, expensive FMS, CIMS lowers the temperature, among 1995-2000 years, the international economy increases ata low speed, according to requisition for NC lathe and the world four major international lathes exhibition in order to boost productivity of users of various fields of present world market (EMO , IMTS , JIMTOF , China CIMT of Japan of . of Europe), have the analysis of the exhibit, there are the following several points mainly in the technical research of NC lathe in our times: (1)、 Pay more attention to new technology and innovation Worldwide , are launching the new craft , new material , new structure , new unit , research and development of the ponent ina more