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Kids for Kerry is a grassroots organization of kids that support John Kerry, want to help their futures, and get active in politics.
When my parents went to see Teresa Heinz Kerry speak, they told me that she was amazing! -- and that they thought John Kerry would make a great President. I decided to find out more about John Kerry. I talk about what I learned by using my ABCs.
“A” is America. John Kerry is a hero to America, and he will help our futures. He is a great and positive role model.
“B” is Better education. John Kerry wants to make class sizes smaller, so that children get the best part out of learning. He wants to help teachers because being a teacher is educating children, and letting them out into the world to do good things.
“C” is Compassion towards children. John Kerry wants to make sure that health care is not a privilege, but it is something that we can all afford.
This summer, I was supposed to go to my favorite camp. But instead, I decided to go to the John Kerry office every day. Kids can really help!
On , we have an interactive presidential quiz. There are 270 questions for the electoral votes John Kerry will win. Plus, 25 questions to make up for Florida from the last election.
Our next


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