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ZEMAX Users' Knowledge Base -
How to Talk to ZEMAX from MatLab
By Derek Griffith
Published on 01/3/2006

This article describes:

z How to set up a communication link between ZEMAX and MatLab
z How to use the ZEMAX DDE Toolbox for MatLab
z Common problems and how to solve them
ZEMAX and Matlab : A Powerful Pair
ZEMAX features a built-in DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) server that allows other Windows® applications
access to ZEMAX functions. Programming DDE applications can be somewhat complex if you are working
in a compiled language such as C++. An alternative is to use one of the scripting languages such as Tcl,
Python or Matlab. Matlab is a great choice since it is much more than a scripting language. Matlab
provides a wealth of functions for processing and visualizing scientific and engineering data and there are
toolboxes for Matlab that extend the basic capabilities into a wide variety of more specialized areas and
What Is DDE?


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