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Programming Scala - Tackle Multi-plexity on the Java Virtual Machine (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009).pdf

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Programming Scala - Tackle Multi-plexity on the Java Virtual Machine (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009).pdf

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Programming Scala - Tackle Multi-plexity on the Java Virtual Machine (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009).pdf


文档介绍:Prepared exclusively for sam kaplan
What Readers Are Saying About Programming Scala
This books speaks directly to developers faced with the real and hard
problems of concurrency. It offers clear solutions for building actors
on the JVM.
John Heintz
Principal, Gist Labs
Venkat introduces (Java) developers to programming Scala in an easy-
to-follow, pragmatic style. This book covers Scala from basics to con-
currency, one of the most critical and most difficult topics in program-
ming today. Venkat gets to the meat without any fluff, and I highly
mend this book to get you up to speed on Scala quickly.
Scott Leberknight
Chief architect, Near Infinity Corporation
Once again Venkat has made learning easy and fun. With his conver-
sational style, this book allows developers to quickly learn the Scala
language, its uniqueness, and how it can be best utilized in a multi-
language environment.
Ian Roughley
Consultant, Down & Around, Inc.
Multicore processors demand that developers have a solid grounding
in the functional programming concepts found at the core of Scala.
Venkat provides a great guide to get you started with this exciting new
Nathaniel T. Schutta
Author, speaker, teacher
A pleasure to read! A great introduction to Scala for the experienced
Java developer! This book teaches the “Scala way” of programming
from a Java, object-oriented perspective. Very thorough yet concise.
Albert Scherer
Software architect, Follett Higher Education Group, Inc.
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Prepared exclusively for sam kaplan
Concurrency is the next giant challenge we must face as develop-
ers, and traditional imperative languages make it too hard. Scala is a
functional language on the JVM that offers easy multithreading, con-
cise syntax, and seamless Java interop. This book guides Java devel-
opers through the important capabilities and nuances of Scala, show-
ing why so much interest is bubbling around this new lang