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文档介绍:COMSOL Guidance -- Some Simulation Results in SPP Yanxia Cui Jan. 2008 An Example A scattering problem MODULE RF Module The RF Module provides a unique environment for the simulation of ic waves in 2D and 3D . With this module you can run harmonic , transient , and eigenfrequency simulations in an easy-to-use graphical user interface. For example, use the RF Module to simulate ic wave propagation in ponents and photonic devices . From Modeling to Analysis ? Geometry Modeling and CAD Tools ? Visualization and Selection Tools ? Modeling Physics and Equations ? Meshing ? Solving the Model ? Postprocessing and Visualization Geometry Modeling and CAD Tools ? Axes and Grid ? Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinates ? Composite Geometry Objects ? Moving, Rotating, Scaling, and Mirroring Geometry Objects ? Creating an Array of Geometry Objects ?…… Geometry Modeling and CAD Tools ? Importing and Exporting Geometry Objects and CAD Models ? Creating a Geometry for essful Analysis ? Using Symmetries ? Removing Unnecessary Boundaries ? Making the Geometry Match the Boundary Conditions ? Avoiding Excessively Small Details, Holes, and Gaps ( Snap ) ? Avoiding Singularities and Degeneracies in the Geometry ( 3D next talk ) Visualization and Selection Tools ? Zooming ? Adding Labels to Domains ? Controlling the Resolution of the Visualization Mesh ? Object Selection Methods in 2D Meshing ? Creating Meshes ? Refining Meshes ? Interactive Meshing ?… Solving the Model The analysis type generally selects an appropriate solver