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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/8/10 文件大小:1.45 MB




文档介绍:1 中国人的精神辜鸿铭 INTRODUC T ION The Rel igi on ofGood -ci t izen ship Sage, th uni vir nichtrech tlWirmu ssen d enPo bel b etr ugen, Scih nur,iv ie ung eschic kt, sich nur iv ie wild er sichz eig t\Un ges ch ick und wild sind alle ro hen Betrog en en; Seid nur re dli chund fiih rti hn zum Mensch l ich enan. Go ethe THE great w ar atthepr esent mom ent is absorbi nga llthea ttention oftheworldexcl usi veof ev erything else. Butth enIthinkth is war itself mu stmake serious thin king pe opletu rnth eir attention to thegr eat pr ob lem of civi l isa ti on. All c ivi lis ationb egi nsby the conqu est ofNa tur e, . by subduinga ndco ntr o lli ngthet errific phy sical forces inN ature so thatth eyc an do no harm to m en. The mo dern ci vili s ati on of Europe to-day has e ededin the conquest of Nature witha ess, itmu st be adm itted, hith erto notat tained by any ot her c ivi lisa tio ere is in this world a force more te rrib leeventhanthe terrific phy sic al for c esinN ature and that isthe pass i ons inthe heart ofm an. The harmwh ich the phy sic alfo rces of Na tu recando tom ankind, p ared with the harm whi ch hum an passions cando. Un t il ther e fore th is terr i ble fo rce ,_t he hum an pass ion s_is prop erly regu l ateda ndco ntr o lle d,th ere c an be, it isevid ent,noton lyno civ ilis ation,buteven no life poss ible for hum anbein gs. In the first ear ly and rude st age of soci ety,m ankind had to use _ Aren 't we ju stdoing the ri ght thi ng?them ob we mu st bef o ol the m; See, now, how sh iftless! andlo oknow how wil d!{or such isthem ob-Shif t less a nd wildallso ns of Ad am are when you bef ool them; Be buth one st and tru e,andt hus m ake hum an, th em all. phy sic al for cetosubd ue and subjug ate hum an pass i ons. Th us ho rdes ofsav ag esh adto be sub jug ated by sheer phy sic al force. But as civ ilis ati ona dva nce s,mankindd isc ove rsa force mo re potenta ndmo reef fectivefor subduinga ndcont rolling hum an pass i ons thanphy sical force and


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