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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/8/10 文件大小:42 KB





文档介绍:灰姑娘的故事大家一定再熟悉不过了:一个善良美丽且心中永远怀有希望的“灰姑娘”; 一个邪恶自私的继母;两个愚蠢懒惰又丑恶的姐姐;一个当你需要的时候会出现的仙女;一位深爱着你的英俊的王子;一只失落的水晶鞋。也许每个小女孩在年少时都做过“灰姑娘”的梦, 期盼着真正欣赏自己的白马王子有朝一日能带着水晶鞋来找自己; 如果你的梦想还没有实现, 还没有找到生命中的王子, 那么请向灰姑娘一样保持乐观的态度:“ if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish e true ”。文中的一些古英语用词对照如下: thee[you] thou[you] wilt[will] thy[your] what art thou...[what are you...] saidst[say] thou wert...[you were...] he wife ofa rich man fell sick, and as she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said, “ Dear child, be good and pious, and then the good God will always protect thee, and I will look down on thee from heaven and be near thee. ” Thereupon she closed her eyes and departed. Every day the maiden went out to her mother ’s grave and wept, and she remained pious and good. When winter came the snow spread a white sheet over the grave, and when the spring sun had drawn it off again, the man had taken another wife. The woman had brought two daughters into the house with her, who were beautiful and fair of face, but vile and black of heart. Now began a bad time for the poor step-child. “ Is the stupid goose to sit in the parlor with us? ” said they. “ He who wants to eat bread must earn it; out with the kitchen-wench. ” They took her pretty clothes away from her, put an old gray bedgown on her, and gave her wooden shoes. “ Just look at the proud princess, how de


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