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文档介绍:Unit 1 & 2 (A:郭Hp B: 小雅 )
A: Excuse me ,Xiao Ya. Do you have a minute?
B: Yes,What can I do for you?
A: Well,I wonder if you could tell me how I could improve my oral English.
B: Mm,Do you often speak English with your friends?
A:I wanted to,but every time I open my mouth I seem to make sometimes I just give up
B:That’s really a mistakes are probably unavoidable when we try to speak a foreign must be willing to make some errors at the beginning.
A:You mean I shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes.
B:That’s right.
A:And I should try to spesk English as much as I can.
B:Exactly. And as time goes by, you will be found of learning a language, language is not only a tool, but also a bridge that links all over the world.
A: like English,I can use it to communicate with foreigners,I also can learn about the culture and values of other coutries.
B:You’re right. English has become an international language. Most valuable books,newspapers and magazines are written in you wish to get knowledge,you must learn it.
A:Yes, I couldn’t agree with you you have other advices for me about learning English?
B:You can listen to some English as <larger than life> <kiss the rain> <breaking free>.I really like a pop band, Backsteet Boy,Do you know them ?
A:Yes ,I really like them, listened to their pop songs when I was in high school.
B:Me, in my spare time, I also like to watch Engliah example,<Harry Potter> <twilight>and <Prison Break>,you will find your listening skills improve rapidly.
A:Good idea. I will try it. Thank you very much. I assume that you advices is very useful for me.
B:My pleasure.
A:It’s time to go you tomorrow.
B:See you.
Unit 3& 4 (A: 郭Hp B: 小雅 )
A:Hi,old friends. Are you here?
B:Oh dear, I’m here.
A:Long time no see. I really miss you.
B:I miss you, ’s it going?
A:Very well.
B:It’s ab


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