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文档介绍:. -
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An Analysis of the Heroic Character in the Old Man and the Sea
学 院:外国语学院
班  级:英语101
姓 名: 王 金
学  号:100801009
An Analysis of the Heroic Character in the Old Man and the Sea
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Abstract:Hemingway was one of the most famous novelists in America. He created a perfect image of Code Hero: Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea which won Hemingway Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the most influential and far-reaching novels of the literary treasure of the world. The content of the essay is to analyze the characteristics of Code Hero. Through the introduction to Hemingway’s legend life, we find some mon points between the author and the old man, and the most familiar point is that both of them have the spirit of Code Hero. Then I will analyses the spirit of Code Hero. The spirit is concentrated on four areas: First, never give up hopes in any difficult conditions; secondly, keep daring spirit and never admit defeat in the process of fighting; thirdly, behave heroically in the actual battle; and last, endure the loneliness in the long process of the fighting. The last part of the essay is the conclusion. This