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文档介绍:第四部分,万州区生态城市建设现状。简单介绍-『万州区概况,分析了万州区生态城『1r 建设的有利条件,有利条件包括区位优势、资源优势、交通优势、科教人才优势、政治优势等。从经济、社会和生态环境保护王方面分析了万州区生态城市建设现状。第五部分,万'Jt-『区生态城市建设中的社会人文要素。探讨了万州区生态城市建殴中的社会人文要素,得出万州生态城市的建设,在关注生态体系时,一定也要关注社会人文支持系统的建立,特别是新库区精神的建立。第六部分,万州区生态城市建设评价与分析。在己有研究的基础上,结合万州区实际, 构建了万州区生态城市建设评价指标体系。生态城市是一个结构台理、功能稳定、达到动态平衡状态的社会一一经济——自然复合生态系统,因此指标涉及了经济发展、社会状况、生态环境三方面的内窖。建立了适于评价生态城市建设水平的数学模型,并运用层次分析法(Nill) 对万州区生态城市建设水平进行了评价。研究结果表明万卅『区生态城市建设目前仅处在起步阶段,生态化水平不高。第七部分,提出了万州区生态城市建设对策。包括:制定城市生态建设规划;推动产业结构的生态化转型;实现空间结构的生态化转变;加强交通建设,提升三峡库区交通枢纽地位; 加强生态环境保护和建设,促进人与自然协调发展;大力发展生态建筑;改进和完善城市发展考核办法及指标;以人为本,构建和谐社会;树立科学发展观,统筹城乡协调发展。关键词:二峡库区万州区生态城市建设发展对策 The Construct ve Research On Ecotype C ty n Three Gorges Reservoi rRegi on Such As Wanzhou D sir ct Yi n yan Abst ract At prese]l卜it hns been launched vigorousiy and permeated invarious{ields nr OCOIogica] on thehallmanious development between human and tint and the y based an the increasingly raising ecological level and agreenblo iving conditiOA has alteady e a maJnstl’enm for urbanizatj(in deveJopment,du to the worldwide tt。nnsitlon of traditional eeonomic development patl,e11n and pursuit for sustainabl e developmenI of globe and human heing as n whole,as weI as the restlIts(“【he 【he harmonioLlS CO—existence between humall and tlature and betLet dweI ng surroundings in coneomitant with the powe]1ful capnbility changingt hew(1rId.’I'heeco—eity is aentirelY new concept{ ving patt being a endi ng rend in the urbanizn Ejon all important reginn n wes Le eC()eomi c development isnecessary for three gorges reset’voi region to thlli ve nl’ to Lake theadvan Late ofhub e;ty as oti ve ’I'aking considel aiion to Ls dense popuIation,low capacity of"environment and he frngil eeo onvi ronment system in and around the three gorges,jt is he runsl impending q LleStien intileprocess or urban zatitin to Fenl ze ecological devetopment process gorges region urhani zation and to maintain the sustainable dev