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ber performance of finite in time optimal ftn signals for the viterbi algorithm英文.pdf

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ber performance of finite in time optimal ftn signals for the viterbi algorithm英文.pdf



文档介绍:Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 18 (2020) 100022
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
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BER performance of finite in time optimal FTN signals for the
Viterbi algorithm
Sergey B. Makarov, Ilya I. Lavrenyuk *, Anna S. Ovsyannikova, Sergey V. Zavjalov
Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia
Publishing editor: Yu-Lian He In this article, we consider the faster than Nyquist (FTN) technology in aspects of the application of
the Viterbi algorithm (VA). Finite in time optimal FTN signals are used to provide a symbol rate
Keywords: higher than the “Nyquist barrier” without any encoding. These signals are obtained as the solu-
Bit error rate (BER) performance tions of the corresponding optimization problem. Optimal signals are characterized by intersymbol
Faster than N


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