文档介绍:漯河 SEO Click To Type Slide Title ? How To Edit The Logo? ? If you need to create a logo or design t hat you would like to include on every p age, then you will need to custom tailor your presentation. This task can be easi ly done in SLIDE MASTER View. ? To open the SLIDE MASTER, from the VI EW menu, select MASTER and from the sub-menu select SLIDE MASTER. ? The SLIDE MASTER View enables you to enter information that appears on every slide in your presentation. ? Stylish templates can be a valuable aid to creative professionals. ? Each work is featured with simplicit y but supreme beauty. 锐普 PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: ck To Type Slide Title ? How Do I Edit Diagrams? ? To edit diagrams, you should first ungro up them; Open a PowerPoint presentation and na vigate to the appropriate slide. ? To ungroup diagram Select the diagram you want to ungroup . Right-click the mouse. Select Grouping > Ungroup. PowerPoint ungroups the object. ? To group objects Select the objects you want to group. (P ress Shift as you click on the objects. Press Ctrl and right-click the mouse. Select Grouping > Group. PowerPoint gr oups the objects into a single object. ? Stylish templates can be a valuable aid to creative professionals. ? Each work is featured with simplicit y but supreme beauty. 锐普 PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: ck To Type Slide Title ? Pictures speak 1,000 words! ? Design Inspiration ? Clarity & Impact ? Premium Design ? Subtle Touch ? Visual Appealing ? Stylish Design ? Simplicity & Beauty ? 3D Effect ? Stylish templates can be a valuable aid to creative professionals. ? Each work is featured with simplicit y but supreme beauty. 锐普 PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: ck To Edit Title Style 12345锐普 PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: ck To Edit Title Style 锐普 PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: ck To Type Slide Title 锐普 PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: ck To Type Slide Title 锐普 PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: ck To Type Slide Title 锐普 PPT 论坛 chinakui 转载: