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文档介绍:Pride and Prejudice
I. Introduction
Part One: About the Book.
Name:Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Main characters: Mr. and Mrs. Bennet
Elizabeth Bennet
Mr. Darcy
Mr. Bingley
Jane Bennet
Mary Bennet
Catherine Bennet
Lydia Bennet
Mr. Wickham
Mr. Collins
Narrations: First and third person narration
Time: Pride and Prejudice was first written in 1796 as
was rewritten (and retitled) in 1812 and published in 1813

First Impressions

. It
Part Two: About the Author.
Jane Austen (1775-1817) was born at Steventon rectory in Hampshire, England.
Austen was the youngest daughter of the large family, with six brothers and one
sister. Her father is a clergyman.
WhenAusten was eight years old, she was sent to Oxford to be educated. Because
of someaccident, she returned hometo continue her education. From 1785 to 1786,
Austen and her sister attended the Reading Ladies Boarding School, where they
studied French, spelling, needlework, music, and dancing. Forced to return home
for economic reasons, Austen continued to develop her literary mind under the
guidance of her father.
Beginning in her teen years, Austen wrote poems, stories, and comic pieces
for the amusement of her family. She compiled several of the pieces written
between 1787


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