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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/8/11 文件大小:142 KB




文档介绍:Norm of Graduation Paper for Undergraduates in English (英语专业学士学位论文撰写规范) I. Structure and Writing Requirements ( 论文结构及写作要求) Your graduation paper should include: Chinese cover, English front page, contents, English abstract and key words, Chinese abstract and key words, main body, bibliography, acknowledgement and appendixes. It should bebound according to this order. A. English Front Page (英文扉页) The English front page should include the title, the names of the author and the tutor, the academic degree that the paper is for, name of the department and time. B. Contents (目录) The contents table lists the major chapters and sections of the paper and the page numbers . C. Abstract and Key Words (摘要与关键词) 1. Abstract Abstract is the main idea of the paper. It isa brief summary of the research you have carried out, which includes the purpose, the methods, thesis statement, major arguments and conclusion of the research and its significance. It should be clear plete . The length of the English abstract is usually 150 words and the Chinese abstract should be an equivalence of the English one. The English abstract should beput before the Chinese one. 2. Key Words Key words are provided for document retrieve. T hey should cover the major terminologies used in the paper . Usually, 3 to10 words should be listed. The English key words should be properly translated into Chinese and listed after the Chinese abstract. D. The Paper (论文正文) The paper includes introduction, the main body and conclusion. 1. Introduction Introduction should include the purpose, background and meaning of the research, literature review which concludes what the others have done on this research topic, and a brief introduction to your research which includes your thesis statement and major arguments. It is the beginning of the paper and should not be numbered. 2. Main Body The main body of the paper should be clear, coherent and logical. 3. Conclusion It is the conclusion of the research discussed in the pape