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上传人:mama1 2022/1/13 文件大小:30 KB





  Break-ups are never fun. It is easy to find ourselves in a funk. If we’re not careful we can fall into a black hole of negativity and end up throwing a pity party that goes on for days, weeks, maybe even longer.
  To combat this, we need to stay positive about our life and what the future holds.
  The following 5 steps can help you let the light of positivity shine through your darkest days.
  1. Quit Taking It Personally
  So, the relationship didn’t work out. It doesn’t matter the reason.
  The point is that it is now over and done with. You have to put down that 2×4 you’re beating yourself over the head with. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with you that makes you unlovable. You are a perfectly imperfect human.

  People do things because of what is going on inside of them. That old saying “it’s not you, it’s me” is actually true. Even if your actions contributed to the break-up in some way, it was your ex’s internal reaction to those events that led to the good-bye.
  You are not a bad person, just not the right person for this relationship. There is somebody out there you are perfect for.
  If you have to, tape Q-tips all over the house to remind yourself to quit taking it personally.
  2. Act As If
  Act as if your life is nothing but positive. Kind of like “faking it until you make it “.

第 4 页 共


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