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见证一宗交通事故(Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident) 英语四级作文.docx

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见证一宗交通事故(Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident) 英语四级作文.docx

上传人:微笑微笑 2022/1/13 文件大小:16 KB


见证一宗交通事故(Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident) 英语四级作文.docx




见证一宗交通事故(Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident)_英语四级作文
  yesterday afternoon,i happened to witness a terrible traffic accident on my way home from school. it was 5:30 .,i was riding my favorite giant back home. when i got to the last crossing on the golden lion street,the red light was on. so i applied the brakes,along with a long queue of vehicles waiting to pass.
  just at that moment,a heavy-load truck with earth roared forward at my side and bumped against a private accord of honda travelling eastbound. as a result,the windshield of the lorry was broken into pieces and its driver got fatally wounded on the head on the steering wheel. the driver of the accord and his girlfriend,the only passenger in the car,only got minor injuries,but his car lost its rear axel and two wheels and was totally dead.
  as for the cause of the accident,i think the driver of the lorry should b


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