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上传人:mama1 2022/1/14 文件大小:33 KB





  初三爱护环境英语作文篇1   The living environment is very important in our daily life. But in everyday life people don't pay much attention to environmental protection.
  Let's say our surroundings. In the lawn behind our district, there were many flowers. But on the lawn, people throw rubbish and waste paper. In the summer, there are many mosquito flies flying there, not only affecting the image of the community, but also polluting the environment. It's bad for society, bad for our health, and it's destroying the earth.
  In order to make our environment beautiful and not hurt. There are many old people to clean the streets and green the lawn. They come out early every day and do whatever it takes to make their country greener. But those who do not care for the environment are going to destroy it. We must do our work for those who do not care for the environment, and let them change their habits one day.

  On our way to school, we also had a lot of students throwing litter. For example, some students throw a snack bag outside the school gate, while others throw the paper planes around and throw them down the wall. Not only do they influence the school again and again, but they also cause a lot of trouble for the students who are on duty every morning.
  At the school meeting, the teacher repeatedly urged and persuaded, but some students did not listen, but continued to destroy the environment and shorten the life of the earth.


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