文档介绍:食管疾病 2021 年 6 月 第 3 卷 第 2 期 -93 -
文章编号: 2096-rning, upper-abdominal-burning and reflux (±,±
0. 15, ±) in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group ( P <
). The times of reflux ( ±) ,the longest reflux time ( ±) min and the times of reflux
time >5 min ( ±) in the observation group were less than those in the control group ( P < ) .
Conclusion Kangfuxin Liquid combined with Rabeprazole in the treatment of elderly patients with reflux
esophagitis can achieve ideal therapeutic effect and has positive effect on improving clinical symptoms and re­
flux condition.
Key words: Kangfuxin liquid ; rabeprazole ; gerontic reflux Esophagitis ; curative effect
反流性食管炎(reflux esophagitis, RE )是消化科 及对老年人生活质量的影响,临床多用雷贝拉唑(济
常见病症,其发生、发展与食道黏膜组织功能退化性 诺,Rabeprazole)进行治疗,并取得了 一定的治疗效
变化有关,以老年患者居多。为降低RE病情的发展 果。但雷贝拉唑治疗老年RE的副作用和耐药性均
较为明显,常无法满足患者的治疗预期 [1]。康复新
收稿日期:2021-03-07 液具有明显的抗炎、杀菌作用,其有效成分黏液酸具
作者单位:固始县人民医院,河南固始,465200 有活血化瘀、滋阴生肌的功效,对于食道黏膜组织功
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