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上传人:xgs758698 2016/8/15 文件大小:78 KB




文档介绍:请赏析一下我的催稿信★★ bingyulin3( 金币+2,VIP+0): 谢谢分享~ Dear editors of Journal of materials science, I submitted a manuscript entitled *** to your journal four months ago,and then the manuscript has been under consideration for three months from October,2007 till now. Would you like to tell me latest news or just remind reviewers of the reviewing process. I've been a keen and faithful reader of the JMSc for more than four years since I came to my current university asa candidate for a doctor's degree, where the quality and quantity ofa candidate's accepted papers are directly linked to his study duration to much extent. That is to say,the later his(her) paper number fulfills the requirement, the later he(she) leaves the university. And the manuscript I've submitted to your journal may be one of the last papers before i leave the university. As a part-time editor assistant for the Science Press of China which is sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences,I fully understand your careful consideration and responsible attitude to my manuscript,and will observe any decisions you will make on my manuscript. Meanwhile, As a proverb goes that time and tide wait for no man,i've always maintained that the publication interval ofa issue should e as important as the quality of an international famous journal such as JMSc from the viewpoints of both an editor and a reader. look forward to your lates