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文档介绍:理发店美容店员工管理规章制度(Staff management rules and regulations in barber shop)
Employee management rules and regulations
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Ten, staff reward and punishment provisions:
1, perfect attendance award 60 yuan per minute, late, leave early, absenteeism deducted 1 yuan; deducted 120 yuan a day, working hours are not allowed to leave, leave one day after day salary, unauthorized absenteeism treatment; sick leave must be issued by hospital, three days before the 30% day salary deduction, after deducting the day every day wage;
2, every three months for the selection of outstanding employees, reward 200 yuan; (conditions: to perfect attendance, performance among the top three, no customer complaints, no passenger refused; customer complaint) will cancel the clock on the performance, passenger refused a deducted 30 yuan;
3, clean health area shall be deducted 5 yuan / times, after work is not clean shall be deducted 5 yuan / person;
4, when the posts shall be laughing, drinking, gambling and sleep affected the image of the company, the offender shall be deducted 10 yuan / times; the clock when the private telephone calls can not exceed 1 minutes, the offender shall be deducted 5 yuan / times;
5, must obey the distribution, subject to management, offenders to 30/; the private use of the company computer to 50/;
6, disclose company secrets (product original price, customer file, salary treatment), find out true will deduct 60% of the salary of the month;
Eleven, entry conditions:
1. Fill in the employee entry form and implement the regulations according to the entry notice;
2, Party A and Party B sign labor contract, the contract period is at least one year;
3. The rules and regulations of the company must be observed during the contract period;
4, the staff will not be determined in the first three months after


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