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文档介绍:开放英语( 1)形成性考核册答案学****记录表 11parents, photos, buses, lives, halves, children, women, teeth 2这三个频度副词从 0%到100% 这样排列: sometimes, often, always 在动词 tobe后: I’moften ill onplanes. 在实意动词前: Isometimes gotocinemas. 在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前: Hedoesn ’t always work onweekends. (1) 表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作。 I’mwatching TV (2) 表示这一段时期正在进行的活动。 I’mreading anovel atthe moment. 4Myname is….I’m…years old. I’mfrom …(Ilive in…).I ’ma clerk and Iwork in…开放英语( 1)作业 1(Unit 1-6 ) 1-5BBBAC 6- 11- 16-20BABBA 21-25BABAB 26-30BCAAA 31-35CABAB 36. aquarter past seven 37. from 8o’clock . to3o’clock . 38. works ininsurance 39. it’sagood idea. 40. Why don ’tyou 41. 明天下午去踢球怎么样? 。 ? ,是一个工程师。 。学****记录表 21(1)Would you like todosth? Would you like tohave acoffee? Yes, please./ No, thanks. (2)What would you like? What would you like, Polly? I’dlike some crisps. (3)I ’ll(Iwill)+ 原形动词 I’llbuy the drinks. (4)What about v-ing? What about seeing this flat? Well, Idon ’tknow./ Yes, that ’sagood idea. (5)How about v-ing? How about going toanestate agent? Well, Idon ’tknow./ Yes, that ’s agood idea. (6)Why don ’tyou +verb? Why don ’tyou see that flat? Well, Idon ’tknow./ Yes, that ’sagood idea. ’mtall and has long ,fair hair and glasses. I’mfriendly and funny. Ilike listening tomusic and I’mgood atsinging. (P118) 开放英语( 1)作业 2(Unit 7-12 ) 1- 6-10BCBAC 11-15CAAAA 16-20BABAA 21-25ACA