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文档介绍:本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 物流公司网站开发学生姓名: 学号: 系(部): 数学与计算机专业: 计算机科学与技术入学时间: 201 年6月导师姓名: 职称/ 学位: 导师所在单位: 数学与计算机系物流公司网站开发摘要随着信息技术特别是网络技术的不断发展, 国际互联网的全球化热潮使人类社会进入了一个新的信息时代, 因此通过网络来获取物流信息已经是信息时代到来必然要发生的结果。所以建立一个物流网络平台对于物流事业有很大的帮助。本设计在研究和查阅了文献的基础上, 系统研究和总结了近年来物流网站建设的发展过程和这些物流网站的主要特点, 分析了当前的物流网站所存在的一些主要不足以及未来的发展方向和趋势。在对物流信息平台网络化、系统化、实用化技术的分析和总结的基础上, 采用了 Microsoft Access 2003 作为后台数据库,利用了功能强大的网页开发工具 Dreamweaver 应用程序作为网站的开发软件。采用了以上的软件以及相关的功能和技术, 设计出一个具有查询货物发布、新闻发布、登录等功能的前台系统和具有用户管理、货物信息管理和新闻管理的后台系统。通过数据库的连接就构成了物流平台。关键词: ASP ;物流;网络平台 pany website development Abstract With the advance of information technology, working technology the globalization of the international boom makes the munity toa new information age, and therefore accessing to logistics information through work is imminent arrival of the information age. Therefore, the establishment ofa work platform for the logistics industry must bea great help. The design on the basis of having researched and consulted the literature, has systematically researched and summed up the development process of logistics website building in recent years and theirs main features, has analyzed the current existence ofa number of major logistics websites inadequate and the future direction and trends. On the basis of having summed up the logistics information platform working, systematic, analytical and practical technology, having used the Microsoft Access 2003 database asa background, and used a powerful Dreamweaver 8 applications as web site development software. Used these software and related function and technology, we have designed a registration system that possess functions as demanding cargo information ,news publishing, logging in and so on, and a systems background which possess user management, cargo information management and information management. Our logistics platform is constituted by the linking of database. Keywords: ASP ; Logistics ; commodity-interflow platform 目录第一章绪论.........................................................


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