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上传人:mama 2022/1/21 文件大小:33 KB





n glaciers the water to the survival of millions of people are likely to disappear. The Greenland ice sheet could melt in 50 years. Currently half of the world's biodiversity in the amazon rainforest but the rainforest is likely to turn into a piece of barren land by the end of the century. Is likely to be the future of the world like in the movie "the day after tomorrow" tornado ice fracture the temperature fell sharply ice storms freezing rain earthquake flood tsunami volcanic eruption... This is not a crazy fantasy if humans don't stop destroying the environment it will become a reality!

However in the warming is also good. Global warming on rice in heilongjiang province has played a large role.
Just global warming to human future development is still the do more harm than good.
In order to save the planet we should try to be: don't open air conditioning use recycled paper environmental protection to leave the meat with nitrous oxide don't use plastic bags R22 by bus; R22; Little drops of life. Actually it's not difficult to environmental protection as long as you support environmental protection is the best gift you gave the planet.

Thank you all!
Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth’s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding.
The earth’s temperature is rapidly changing. As a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves


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