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文档介绍:? e to our class! Who needs help? What can we do to help them? old people We can clean their home except money. Who needs help? What can we do to help them? People in great drought 大旱灾 We can give them bottles of water. blind people We can help them cross the street. Who needs help? What can we do to help them? Who needs help? What can we do to help them? We can help them to look for their parents. lost kids 迷路的小孩 poor children We can help them study. Who needs help? What can we do to help them? Unit 4 Period 4 Unit 4 Period 4 She said helping others changed her life. Reading 比一比: 谁的学********惯好! Who is the best at previewing the lesson? 在右栏找出下列短语的英语表达: 4.…和…都… …一个好的开始 a. both … and … b. change her life c. senior high school d. open up one ’ s eyes e. return to one ’ s hometown f. Peking University g. care for wild animals in danger h. give … a good start Check: put these words into the correct space as you read. a) world b) brothers c) changed d) agreed e) mountains f) different Section 2