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r today is worth two 。
  3) One man's fault is other man's 。
  4) Put your shoulder to the 。
  5) Reading enriches the 。
  6) Reading is to the mind while exercise to the ,运动强身。
  7) Sloth is the key of 。
  8) One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no ,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。

  9) One cannot put back the 。
  10) One eyewitness is better than ten 。
  11) One false move may lose the ,满盘皆输。
  12) Heaven never helps the man who will not ,叫天何用。
  13) Pleasant hours fly 。
  14) Happiness takes no account of 。
  15) Time tames the strongest 。
  16) The day is short but the work is ,光阴迫。
  17) Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do ,切勿拖延到明天。

  18) Every tide has its 。
  19) Knowledge advances by steps and not by ,不能跃进。
  20) Learn wisdom by the follies of 。
  关于激励学****的英语谚语举荐   1) He is a fool that forgets 。
  2) He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our ,才是真挚友。
  3) He is a wise man who speaks 。
  4) Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it ,今日就去做。
  5) To him that does everything in its proper time,one day is worth ,一日胜三日。
  6) To save time is to lengthen 。

第 7 页


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