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文档介绍:00M219求坶扬太、¨车寿险公·≈发硅银{J保险业务的分析甜究 Abstract There istendency indeveloped country to develop this business shares35%to 65%of totalinsurance business inthose countries The born and development ofbancasurance greatly boosted insurance market hasseveral advantages both for bank and pany include sharing the same customer resource, utilizingadvantage respectively andsharing anextension requirement in a mature financialmarket thatbankand pany are going tocooperate instead ismerging now in our country SO isworthwhile toanalyze and study how banks and panies to develop bancassurance business according from arealcase:China Pacific pany. have drawn some conclusions from my research:it isthe time to develop bancassurance in our country nOW and each pany should investinthisfield tocooperate withbanks togain thefirstmover tothiscircumstance reconrmended CPLIC should make astrategic planning and anization model in bancassurance should foCUS on themodel thatbank do the insurance business as theiragent because ofthepolicy limitation inChina now The strategy in this fieldofCPLIC should be:utilizing thechannel advantage oflow COSt inbancassurance to offerlifeinsurance product effectively andefficiently which meet thecustomer needs;to e thethirdsaleand profit center afterthepersonal and group insurance business;tO make contribution incustomer resource should taketheleading in mon benefitrelationship with banks tocontrol thechannel and customer inlong gave the suggestion finally thatCPLIC should cooperate with four state‘own banks and focus on sixcitiesincluded Shanghai,Beijing,Hangzhou,Nanjing, Guangzhou and Jinan to develop offered countermeasure about channel,supervising policy,market and internalrisks. Key Words:Pacific,Life Insurance,Bank insurance OOM219朱海扬太甲洋寿险公司发展银行保险业务的分折研究 1前言随着中国加入WTO,中国金融业真J下面临着国际化竞争所带来的巨大机遇和挑战。因此,如何进一步加强行业间合作,化被动为主动,联手迎接