文档介绍:Chinese Culture in Your Eyes
1、How long have you been in China?
ss tha n six mon ths Chinese Culture in Your Eyes
1、How long have you been in China?
ss tha n six mon ths Six m to one year
e year to five years More ive years 2、 What do you think of Chinese university curriculum?
Very good So-so |_| Boring |_J
3、 Do you think you can adapt to Chinese food, hobbies and other aspects here?
Absolutely can So-so [^ery hard 口
4、 How about the architectural style of china ?
| Beautiful So-so_ Bad |_
Compare to yours, which one do you like better?
| China ' s O^s The sa^e
5、 Which of the following Chinese celebrities have you ever heard ? (You could tick one or more tha n on e.)
Mao Zedo ng Qin Shi Hua ng Dr. Sun Yat-se^"!
Li Bai Jackie C^an None of them
6、 What do you think is the best measure to protect the historical and cultural heritage ?
Make related laws
Increase in vestme nt in culture protectio n
Enhance aware ness among the public via educati on
Con struct more museums
7、 What do you thi nk is the esse nee of a culture?
| L|an guage arts a nd crafts history architecture festivals |_|
8、 Do you know which river is known as the "Mo