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上传人:淘气小宇 2022/1/24 文件大小:10 KB




文档介绍:英语作文邀请函范文 80 词英语作文邀请函范

邀请信分为发出的邀请信和回复别人的邀请信。那么英语作文邀请函范文 80
词该怎么写呢 ?下面是 WTT为大家整理的英语作文邀请函范文 80 词,有帮
英语作文邀请函范文 80 词英语作文邀请函范

邀请信分为发出的邀请信和回复别人的邀请信。那么英语作文邀请函范文 80
词该怎么写呢 ?下面是 WTT为大家整理的英语作文邀请函范文 80 词,有帮助。
英语作文邀请函范文 80 词篇一 Dear Sir/Madam ,
We would like to invite you to an eclusive presentation of our new
[product].The presentation will take place at [location] , at [time] on
[date].There will also be a reception at [time].We hope you and your
colleagues will be able to attend.[pany] is a leading producer of high-
quality [product].As you know , recent technologal advances have bee
increasingly affordable to the new models offer superb quality
and sophistation with economy , and their new features ve them distinct
advantages over similar products from other look forward to seeing you on [date].Just call our offe at [phone number] and
we will be glad to secure a place for yours ,
英语作文邀请函范文 80 词篇二 Dear Sir/Madam ,
[Organization] would very much like to have someone from your pany
speak at our conference on [].As you may be aware , the mission of our
association is of our members are interested in the achievements your pany has is our preliminary schedule for the conference that will be reviewed in the