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文档介绍:Brief introduction of The Pianist
A Polish Jewish musician struggles to survive the destruction of the Warsaw
ghetto oal life by giving up his car and apartment because he
felt responsible to thosePolish Jews who had suffered greatly and wanted to
connect, to some small degree, with their hurt and despair
Anachronisms: The infamous Sports Palace speech by Josef
Goebbels (18th February1943) is heard on the radio in 1939.
Continuity: When Wladyslaw Szpilman is told he has to leave the first
apartment he's hiding in, his hair is parted and hanging down either
side of his face. In the next shot, when he sits down to try to smoke the
cigarette, his hair is combed back with no part visible.
Continuity: When Wladyslaw Szpilman is forced to leave his first
hiding place after breaking the dishes, he has significant stubble on his
face. However, when he reached Dorota's apartment in the next scene,
he's clean shaven.
Continuity: When Wladyslaw Szpilman crawls past the woman who
was shot in the back and died kneeling in front of the hospital (before
she reached the staircase), she has moved forward visibly (and is now
in front of the stairs).
About Adrien Brody
6' 1" ( m) Mini Biography
The son of Hungarian-born photographer Sylvia Plachy and retired history professor Elliot Brody, Adrien Brody grew up an only child in the Woodhaven section of Queens, New York, where he accompanied his mother on assignments for the Village Voice. He credits her with making him feel comfortable in front of the camera. He attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts in New York. Despite a strong performance in The Thin Red Line (1998), time constraints forced the director to edit out much of Adrien's part. In spite of his later work with Spike Lee and Barry Levinson, he never became the star many expected he would become until Roman Polanski called on him


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