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文档介绍:T opic Sentence: The other requirement is energy. R equire vt要求 R equire sb todo sth R equirements E nergy n vim and vigor He is full of energy. He is full of vim and vigor. E nergetic adj 有活力的, 有能量的,能量充沛的 vigorous 既可修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数的数量词或短语: A lot of/ lots of; quantities of/ a great quantity of/ some; 修饰可数名词的数量词: A great many, a few, few, many, a great number of; 修饰不可数名词的数量词: L ittle, a little, much, a great deal of; a large amount of; large amounts of; The way todo sth=the way of doing sth S elf-sufficiency n自给自足 S elf-sufficient adj. 自给自足的 S cale n规模,范围 R esist vt抵制,抵抗 R esist the foreign invasion R esistance nR esistant adj be resistant to sth=resist We are resistant to the goods polluting the environment. T emptation n诱惑 T empt vt tempt sb todo sth A ttract sb todo sth T empting adj 诱惑人的,迷人的 C harming, attractive, luring, mesmerizing, enchanting Buy P urchase E xpensive adj costly, E xpend vt 消费用法类似于 spend 的用法E xpense n话费 E xpenditure n开支,支出 F inancial expenditure 财政支出 L abor-saving E nergy-saving T ime-saving D evices E quipment n装备,设备 equip Be equipped with sth F acility: public facilities A pparatus D evise vt设计,制作 M achinery n(机械的总称)M achine nM echanic n机械师 E lectrician n电工 R otary adj 旋转的 R otate vi旋转 R otation n旋转; 轮回 C ultivator n耕耘机 C ultivate vt nurture; S aw n据 H ow long L ength n L engthen vt拉长,延伸 S tay on T alk on He talks on and on. G uess n/vi 猜测 I guess so. =I think so. S peculate vi猜测,投机 S peculate in sth 对。。。投机 S peculation nS peculator n投机者 S orrow n悲伤 S orrows G rief n悲痛欲绝 S adness n伤心 S orrowful G rief-stricken 悲痛欲绝的 S ense n意识,感觉, V i/vt 意识 S ensible: 合理的,明智的 It is sensible of you todo so. S ensitive :敏感的, be sensitive to sth He is sensitive to perfume. S ensational: 感性的,轰动一时的 A sensational event P ride: n自豪 take pride in sth P ride oneself in sth 以什么为自豪 P arents often take pride in their children ’s essful examination results. A ble Be able todo sth petent in doing sth/sth Be capable of doing sth/sth An able man 一个有能力的男人 E nable vt使能够 E nable