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文档介绍:201 201 3 3届本科生届本科生选修课选修课论文论文学号: 学号: 100302030120 100302030120 成绩: 成绩: PhotoShop 课程学****心得院部: 电子与信息学院专业: 电子信息工程姓名: 钟文俊指导教师: 二〇一三年十二月毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的毕业论文《 PhotoShop 课程学****心得》是本人在指导老师的指导下, 独立研究、写作的成果。论文中所引用是他人的无论以何种方式发布的文字、研究成果,均在论文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律结果由本人独自承担。毕业论文作者签名: 钟文俊 2013 年 12月6日摘要本文阐述了简单的声、光同时控制的路灯电路的制作。声、光同时控制的路灯电路,能自动控制白天开关、夜晚亮灯、人走灯灭。具有灵敏、低耗、性能稳定、使用寿命长、节能等特点。选择声敏传感器、光敏传感器作为基本元件。综合了声、光和延时控制、工作稳定、节电并可延长灯泡寿命。光敏传感器,声控传感器两种传感器形成了声控、光控两种控制的电路。利用布局和布线规则完成了电路板的制作。实现了电子开关的两种控制,实验结果实现了灯的控制。【关键词】传感器声控光控节能 Abstract Sound and light control corridor lights switch for automatic switch during the day, night lighting, people take the light off. Sensitive, low consumption, stable performance, long life, energy saving and soon. Here are sound, light control automatically delay saving switch, combines sound, light and time delay control, job security, power saving and extended lamp life. Strong light during the day or the occasion even greater control of the vibration noise can not light bulbs; night or low light encounter sound, vibration, lights and automatic lights, after about one minute (time can be set) automatically can be used for stairs, toilets and other public places, the automatic management of the corridor lights. In this paper, a simple control of sound and light production of the corridor light switch. Select sound sensor, light sensors asa basic element. Photosensitive resistors, sensors voice of two sensors form a voice, light control two control board. Using layout and routing rules of the circuit board production. To achieve the two control electronic switch, the experimental results achieved light control. Key Words : sensor ; voice ; optical control ; energy saving ; 目录第1章绪论 疲劳驾驶监测技术的研究背景及意义.................................................. 1 疲劳机理分析.......................................................................................... 2 疲劳产生的原因...................................................................................... 2 驾驶疲劳的表现.....