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销售人员自我评价 服务人员英文自我评价.doc

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销售人员自我评价 服务人员英文自我评价.doc

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销售人员自我评价 服务人员英文自我评价.doc



文档介绍:2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 2 / 13
销售人员自我评价 服务人员英文自我评价
服务人员都需要良好的d, the past year in the leadership of the concern and the enthusiasm of colleagues to help, through their own tireless efforts in the work achieved certain results, but there are also many deficiencies. Looking back over the past year, the past year may have lost, sad, successful, happy, but it does not matter, is the past, we have to work in the future, a lot of people say that my personality change I believe. I am really satisfied, there are a lot of things pressing me, I still persist, my life, emotions are the same as on, although there is no ups and downs, at least through some ups and downs, ups and downs, time and time again Twists and turns and difficulties, and sometimes I really Huai Ning I, I have been thinking what I was wrong, why is this? I also time and again for their own cheer.
First, training:
1, tray essentials, room delivery process.
2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 5 / 13
2, large, medium and small parties to help run the food sector to explain the relevant knowledge.
3, Hotel-related system training and supervision.
4, the way out of food safety awareness.
5, the team to learn the production of sauces.
Second, management:
1, the higher level is a model, I have always insisted on setting an example, so my team is very united.
2, I am the same as anyone, fair, just, open work.
3, people-oriented, people and the character of the various management methods.
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4,2xx-xx year-round number of annual leave 23 people, 2xx-x year-round number of annual leave 4 people, 2xx-x years is a relatively stable year.
Third, as I, responsible for food work.
1, responsible for the operation of the sauce surface.
2, pass the correspo


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