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上传人:东风倩倩 2022/1/27 文件大小:10 KB




英语自我介绍带翻译我, 欧阳路,是出世于六月,在江西省 1990。我的家庭由四个成员组成 –的父母,我的弟弟和我。 父亲,是个农民,农业家。母亲,是一个传统的家庭主妇,照顾全
英语自我介绍带翻译我, 欧阳路,是出世于六月,在江西省 1990。我的家庭由四个成员组成 –的父母,我的弟弟和我。 父亲,是个农民,农业家。母亲,是一个传统的家庭主妇,照顾全家全心。在我看来,我的母亲对我的行为比父亲更严重。 不在家,所以我的妈妈可以花更多的时间在我的学****但他们都非常重视孩子的教育。 我的弟弟在江西师范大学中文专业的学生。我们是一个非常和睦的家庭。
I remember that like other children I was so naughty that my teachers and my parents were always angry with me. But I done well in study, so I was very popular to my classmates .Almost everyone of them was happy to make friends with me so do I.
但我记得像其他孩子一样, 我太调皮了, 我的老师和我的父母总是对我生气。但我做了很好的研究,所以我很受欢迎,我的同学。几乎人人都很高兴与我做朋友我也一样。
Things changed, since I entered the middle school. I realized that
I was a girl, and don ’t be so naughty like a boy. The leaning task is heavy , I must pay more attention on the study. By three- years ’ hard work, I succeeded in the last exam and getting the chance of going to the ideal university finally. That is the first time for me away from home. There I met some new friends with whom I lived a happy and meaningful time. I lived in the school with other boys and girls which made me know the importance of being independent without the protect of my parents. I tried my best to acquire more acknowledges
in the university to make myself be more competitive in the future so that I behaved well in a lo