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文档介绍:一: 管控与提升人才当量密度指标提高企业竞争力 :商务印书馆 1983 . 217 1976. Crabs of Japan and the Adjacent Seas. Kodansha,Tokyo. [In 3 volume: (1) English text, xxix+149pp 231 株仔猪腹泻致病性大肠杆菌对 18种抗菌药物敏感性测定 500 hPa 月平均高度距平的数值预报 parison of methods for calculating O(1S) lifetimes A 2-year placebo-controlled study of orlistat in the tretament of ob esity parative study of the effects of two NOS Ⅰs and two NO donors on temporary focal cerebral ischemia in the Wistar rat parison of Baseline Aerodynamics Performance of Optimally-Twisted Versus Non-Twisted HAWT Blade . 15th A discussion on the displacement stress field plex fault system and identification ofseismogenic fault (in Chinese) A Multiattractor model for the dynamic control panies work flow approach toa city emergencyevacuation planing A new face for Ergo: Adding a user interface toa programmable theorem prover. Tech-nical Report TR-95-42 of the Software Verification Research Centre A one-dimensional Temperature Model for a Snow Cover A potential role for interleukin - 15 in the regulation of human natural killer cell survivl A Slotted-pipe Kicker for High-current Storage Rings A study of long term environmental effects of river regulation on the Yellow river of China in historical perspective A.:Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion using a porous hydroxyapatite bone graft substitute Activation of human monocytes by the pineal hormone melatonin Acute central cervical cord injury presenting as only upper extremity involvement Adhesion testing of glass-ceramic thick films on metal substrates Alternatives to hexachlorophene bathing of newborn infants An chromatic λ/4 wave-plate An investigation on analytical methods for corrction of distance-dependent resolution variation in 3D SPECT imaging" Antiatherogenic affects of Larginine in the hyperchole sterolemic rabbit Aortic arch anomalies in children and infants Apoptosis-The cell's silent exit Appetitie suppressants:a review Aprosectire study of primary cytomegalovirus infeotion durin