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题目: 简易吊车设计
系 别 航空与机械工程系
专业名称 le car
Student’s name: Duan Pan Guang Class:1081023
Supervisor: Wu Hui
Abstract:The purpose of this project is to design a simple realization of the cable car to replace the human handling of heavy weights. The working principle of the cable car is: by the motor via a pulley drive and gear drive off, the movement and momentum to the drum, and then through the rope and pulleys to raise heavy objects group.
Conditions through the parameters of the task book, design and calculation of relevant data, select the type and model of wire rope, and then calculated the diameter of the drum and pulley, to identify a number of other parts of the standards. Carried out on the basis of gear design and calculation, to plete its structural design, primarily include the pletion of the design of the shaft to determine the structure of the pulley, the gear structure of the drum structure, block structure, under and the supporting bar of the structure, rendering a total mapping of the crane assembly, brake drum round of devices and device structure, the pletion of the work of some parts of the design plans.
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Keyword:Simple cable car Calculation Structural Design
Signature of Supervisor:
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目 录
1 绪论
吊车的历史 1
吊车国外的研究现状 2
吊车的开展趋势 4
2 工作机构的设计
钢丝绳的选择 9
钢丝绳的种类 9
钢丝绳的型号 9
钢丝绳直径的选择 10
卷筒和滑轮直径的选择 10
3 传动装置的设计和计算
计算卷筒的功率 12
计算卷筒的转速 12
电动机的选择 12
电动机类型的选择 12
电动机转速的选择 13
电动机功率的选择 13
计算总传动比 14
确定传动方案,画出传动示意图 14
分配传动比 15
计算效率。验算电动机的功率 15
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计算各轴的转速、功率和转矩 16
制动器的选择 18
传动机构的设计和计算 18
带传动 18
齿轮传动 21