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文档介绍:漳州师范学院硕士学位论文青岛城阳方音研究姓名:付新军申请学位级别:硕士专业:汉语言文字学指导教师:周祖庠 20100601 中文摘要 V 中文摘要城阳方言属于青岛方言的一个次方言,其语音系统具有自己的特点。本文以静态描写为主,通过对城阳本地人的语音调查,详细地描写了城阳话的语音系统,概括了它的声韵调方面的特点,探求了其语音演变的情况并总结了其演变的规律。本文主要运用比较的方法从共时、历时两方面去描写和说明城阳方言的语音特征和演变规律,在比较的过程中,同时将各类演变的字汇全部列出。共时方面是描写出城阳话的声韵调系统,说明其自身的语音特点,并与现代普通话语音系统进行比较;历时方面是将城阳话音系与中古《广韵》音系做比较,并结合近代《中原音韵》音系去认识城阳话音系的某些特点。全文一共分六个部分: 一、绪言。主要介绍城阳区的地理历史概况,发音人的情况。二、城阳方言语音系统。主要介绍城阳方言的声韵调系统及特点。三、音变。主要介绍城阳方言的两字连读变调、儿化和文白异读情况。四、《广韵》音系和城阳方言音系的比较。主要是将城阳方言音系的声韵调系统与中古《广韵》音系的声韵调系统作比较,去探求中古音演变到城阳话语音系统的规律。五、普通话音系和城阳方言音系的比较。主要是将城阳方言音系的声韵调系统和普通话音系的声韵调系统作比较,比较两者的异同。六、城阳方言音系和《中原音韵》音系的联系。从城阳方言的考察结果去看待《中原音韵》音系的某些特点。关键词: 城阳方音; 《广韵》; 《中原音韵》;比较;演变; 英文摘要 VI Abstract Chengyang dialect, a subdialec t of Qingdao dialect, it’s ph onetic system has its own characteristics. After analyzing a survey of local people’s ic feature from a static perspective, this thesis depicts the ic system of Chengyang dialect in detail, and generalizes the traits of its sound and tone. The development of its speech sound will be explored, and the development laws will be summarized. Adopting parison method from both synchronic and diachro nic aspects, this thesis describes Chengyang dialect’ ic feature and its development laws from synchronic and diachronic. In the process of comparison, all kinds of evolutive vocabularie s are listed. From sync hronic description, the system of sound and tone of Chengyang dialect is depicted, and it s ic feature is illustrated.,with making this pared with the system of Pu tonghua. ic system. From diachronic description, the ic system of Chengyang dialect is compared with the Guangyun ic system.,and some traits of th e ic system of Chengyang dialect can be seen when it’pared with the Z hongyuan Yinyun ic syst em. This thesis is developed into six parts in all: 1. Preface. The geographical and historical c onditions in Chengyang area and its speakers are introduced. 2. The ic system of Chengyang dialect . The sound and tone system of Ch
