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文档介绍:内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文_l 一。——————————————————————————————————————————————————一康、有序、规范化的发展。关键词:民办幼儿园,发展问题,对策内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT In recent years,ourprivately—run schools developed rapidly,has e an important part ofthesocialist cause thebackbone ofthe private education private kindergarten,and itsdevelopment isquiterapid. With the increasing number ofprivate kindergartens,private kindergartens Development e thepre—school fieldisthesubject ofgreatconcem. Inthisstudy,a literature,fieldsurvey,questionnaire and interview survey of thefourkindergartens inthecentral area oftheDohe district,its thequality of park management,and teaching level,try the Dohe districtPrivate Early Childhood some description of the status. Four kindergartens in thebasic situation,the situation ofteachers, enrollment,kindergarten bined withthedevelopment ofthe private kindergarten Ilearned,and privatekindergarten infasterdevelopment atthesame timethere are alsomany on thefindings from thisstudy thatthemain factors restricting thedevelopment ofprivate kindergarten teacher,financial issues,social issues and management mechanism is quality ofteachers include:weak teachers;the benefits cause instability intheteachers;teachers inposttraining are not effective; non—early childhood education teachers undertake highly specialized early childhood funds include:thetreatment oflack offunds,teachers call not lead toinstabiity inthefaculty;The socialissues include:the government can not betreated equally,the public park and privategarden andprivatepark intheunequal development ofthesituation; theimplementation ofthepolicy inplace tosupport efforts toalmost zero. To solve the above problem,this study proposes the following mechanism is not perfect and include:.relevant departments bullmanagement;private kindergarten intemalmanagement and 内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文 lack of democratic should make a : strengthening the prop


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