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. z.
Listening Revie’t know whether he can survive it.
Q: What’s the woman worried about"
04. A. Her father’s accident.
B. Her father’s injuries after the accident.
C. Her father’s poor health.
D. Her father’s operation.
Script 05:
W: Mother’s Day is ing soon.
. z.
Could you tell me what sons and daughters do in your country on that day"
M: Well, they send their mothers flowers and cards to celebrate the occasion. Besides, it is a mon practice for them to wear pink carnations on that day.
Q: Which of the following is true of the customs of Mother’s Day in the man’s country"
05. A. Mothers decorate their houses with flowers to celebrate the occasion.
. z.
B. Mothers wear pink carnations on that day.
C. Children buy their mothers carnations of different colors.
D. Children send their mothers flowers and cards.
Script 06:
M: May I help you"
W: I’m here to apply for a library card.
M: Would you please fill out this application card"
W: Sure. Could you tell me what time the library is open"
. z.
M: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it closes at 5 . Tuesday and Thursday, it’s open till 9. It stays open till 6 on Saturday. But on Sunday it’s closed all day.
Q: On which evenings is the library open"
06. A. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
B. Tuesday and Saturday.
C. Saturday and Sunday.
D. Tuesday and Thursday.
Script 07:
. z.
M: The weather is so changeable these days. The forecasts seem never to be accurate.
W: You are right. It must be the wi


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