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文档介绍:prenuptial agreement 婚前契约 Today,our topic is Before the start ,let ’ s talk about love — the very import step in life. Love is the master key which opens the gates of happiness 爱是一把开启幸福之门的关键钥匙 First meeting When we find someone whose weirdness patible with ours,we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness---and call it love--- true love 当发现某人的怪癖与我们自己的如此相似时,我们便欣然接受了他们, 双方都心满意足---并称之为爱---真爱。 Life is a flower of which love is the honey. And next is--- marrriage .人生是花朵,爱情是花蜜。 Let ’ see some pictures about marriage prenuptial agreement It allows the marriage to start on a solid financial foundation. It is a vehicle that helps ensure communication, protection, planning and financial disclosure between fianc é es. This usually means less friction and more peace of mind during the marriage . A pre-marriage agreement can determine what items are to be shared and identified as marital property or what items will be owned only by one spouse and identified as separate property. A prenuptial agreement protects promises made by the monied fianc é e to share equally with the non- monied fianc é e. Take the United States for example , prenuptial agreements are recognized in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Likewise, in most jurisdictions, five elements are required for a valid prenuptial agreement: