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2022出国留学 出国留学费用.docx

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2022出国留学 出国留学费用.docx

上传人:wawa 2022/2/4 文件大小:31 KB


2022出国留学 出国留学费用.docx



第 1 页 共 (主谓不匹配)
Children can get a good education by studying abroad.
If they don’t have conditions or don’t suit for foreign life, (语义含混)
If they can’t afford the expense or can’t adjust to foreign life,
There is a great gap between our country and foreign countries.(语义含混)
There is a great gap between our country and developed countries.
范文 【参考范文】
Nowadays more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost.

It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas because they place high expectations on their are encouraged by the succe stories of those who have completed their overseas the development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, , pursuing overseas study became a kind of short cut in gaining a better the rapid economic progre in the past few years in China has enabled more and more
parents to afford the huge cost for their children