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2022勇敢的心观后感英文 勇敢的心英文观后感.docx

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2022勇敢的心观后感英文 勇敢的心英文观后感.docx

上传人:mama 2022/2/4 文件大小:31 KB


2022勇敢的心观后感英文 勇敢的心英文观后感.docx



第 2 页 共

Good morning, speech content is about Brave heart.
Brave heart this movie not only let me know the brave,kind-hearted Scotland hero William Wallace,but also make me deeply intoxicated with Scotland bagpipe music in the background of the accompaniment.
In the movie, Wallace as leader of the uprising troops has won many as the Green bridge battle broke the infantry conquer cavalry superstition and captured the England important city let me see the dawn of victory, but it\'s not the Wallace was defeated in the battle of Faure Kirk, in which a British army fighting in unraveling the helmet, that moment, he didn\'t think that was once very trusted noble leader Robert didn\'t put a sword to Bruce, but the choice of lay on the ground,you can see what he’s chilling and regreted again and said he would never again betray the sake of peaceful reunification ,Wallace sill agreed to go .However, Edinburgh designed to seize Wallace sinistery and


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