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文档介绍:The Cask of Amontillado -----Edgar Allan Poe Presented by Little Red Star 引入: What is Amontillado ? ?Amontillado 是一种于“开花”覆盖下陈酿一段时间后暴露于空气中进一步氧化的雪利酒。酒味略干,有时带有轻微或中度的甜味。其酒质和风格都闻名于世界。哥特式小说“哥特式”(‘gothic )这个词在英语里有多种含义。它既是一个文学词汇,又是一个历史术语,还可以用作建筑和艺术方面的专门用语。属于英语文学派别,起源于 18世纪后期的英国,是西方通俗文学中惊险神秘小说的一种,可以说是恐怖电影的鼻祖。显著的哥特小说元素包括恐怖,神秘,超自然,厄运, 死亡,颓废,住着幽灵的老房子,癫狂,家族诅咒等。? Main characters : ? Mentresor 蒙特利瑟 VS Fortunato 弗图纳多? Key words :报仇、恐怖、死亡? Questions : ??为什么报仇?怎么报? ??? ?,怎么死的? The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. …… At length , I would be avenged …突现了他的仇恨是很深的,并且他似乎已到了咬牙切齿的地步,所以这个仇是一定要报的,只是一个时间问题而已。?三思而后行: ? I must not only punish but punish with impunity (免罚). ? A wrong is unredressed (未昭雪的,未纠正的) ? when retribution (惩罚,报应) overtakes its redresser . ? It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong . ?知己知彼,百战不殆: ? He prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine . ? In painting and gemmary , Fortunado , ? like his countrymen , was a quack , ? but in the matter of old wines he was sincere . 报仇原则弗图纳多的弱点?时间: ?在一个狂欢节的黄昏( carnival season ) ?蒙特利瑟“偶遇”对手弗图纳多。?疯狂兴奋已经使骄傲自负的弗图纳多昏了头: He accosted me with excessive warmth , for he had been drinking much . I have received a pipe of what passes for Amontillado, and I have my doubts ." " I have my doubts ," I replied; Amontillado!" " I have my doubts ." "Amontillado!" "And I must satisfy them." "Amontillado! “ As you are engaged, I am on my way to Lu ’ chesi . " 故装品酒学问低下故意以另一个鉴酒师卢克雷西的名字来刺激福图纳托的虚荣心,这时福图纳托已经是忘乎所以,走入陷阱. ?地点: ?蒙特利瑟家族的地下墓穴?成功地再现了蒙特利瑟的攻于算计?富丽堂皇的大宅子下隐藏着可怕的罪恶。地窖隐蔽、阴暗,是一个藏酒的好地方, 同时也是一个***的好地方。? There were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honor of the time , I had told them that I should not return until the morning , and had given them explicit orders not to sti