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People can eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a
result, people eat mor2018年5月19日日雅思A类大作文
People can eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a
result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do you
think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
Our diet is becoming more diversified than before, with a wider range of
food transported from other regions and served on the dining table. Many
people prefer this kind of food to locally produced food and this phenomenon
has both positive and negative outcomes。
More choices in the daily diet indicate that people nowadays enjoy better
quality of life. For instance, people in China can buy some bread and
biscuits that are imported from foreign countries. Those who live in cold
areas can try some fruits that are grown in the tropical area. Also, this will
encourage the trade between different regions, as any country or region can
focus on the production of the local food and exchange it with others, As a
result, the productivity increases significantly and people can buy high
quality food at low prices。
However, this trend also has some negative effects, both on individuals and
on society. Food produced locally is believed to be fresher than that
transported a long distance from other regions。 To exten