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大 学 英 语 试 题(09:00--11:30)
" When is the c likely D. rigid
So far as is known, the original manuscripts of Shakespeare's plays are no longer in .
A. evidence
The speaker did not mention many facts, so we asked him to be more
A. specific B. special C. particular D. respective
The satellite was launched into around the moon.
A. cricle B. orbit C. path
Would you mind keeping a(n) on our house while we're way?
A. hand B. look C. eye D. mind
It is so hot. You should put the food into the refrigerator now. Otherwise, it will soon.
A. harm B. hurt C. spoil D. damage
The idea sounds very good. But will it work in ?
A. practice B. place C. advance D. theory
However much , it will be worth it.
A. does the watch cost the watch
C. The watch will cost watch costs
We should do as much as we can our country better and more beautiful.
A. make make
He would have paid for the house if the salesgirl had insisted because he really wanted it.
A. twice as much B. much as twice
C. as much twice D. twice much as
from the moon,our earth,with water seventy percent of its surface, appears as a "blue ball"
A. Seen, covering B. Seen, covered
C. Seeing; covering D. Seeing; covered
It takes courage for one the huge task, to say nothing of fulfilling it in such a short time.
A. to be faced up to B. facing up to
C. faces up to D. to face up to
The young man lost his job last month, but it wasn't long he found a new position in this company.
A. after
Color-blind people find it difficult to between red and green.