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文档介绍:Chinese culture 小组成员: ***** 四大名绣民族乐器瓷器茶叶中国戏曲 Four major types of embroidery N ational musical instrumen ts china Tee Chinese opera Hunan embroidery As early as the Han Dynasty more than 2000 years ago, Hunan embroiders the process has generated , Since then, after a lengthy development , Hunan embroiders gradually introduce the characteristics of traditional Chinese painting tradition among them, to form their own unique style. 湘绣中国四大名绣之一的湘绣,向来以历史悠久,工艺精湛,风格独特,品类繁多而闻名海内外。早在两千多年前的汉代,湘绣工艺就已经产生了。此后经过漫长的发展,湘绣逐渐将国画传统特点引入其中,从而形成了自身的独特风格。 湘绣主要以纯丝、硬缎、软缎、透明纱、尼纶等为原料,配以各色的丝线、绒线绣制而成。它以中国画为神,充分发挥针法的表现力,达到构图严谨,形象逼真,色彩鲜明,质感强烈,形神兼备的艺术境界。绣品中既有名贵的欣赏艺术品,也有美观适用的日用品。苏绣早在三国时期(公元 220 ~ 280 年)就有了关于苏绣制作的记载。。清代中后期,苏绣在绣制技术上有了进一步发展,新出现了精美的"双面绣",苏绣具有图案秀丽、构思巧妙、绣工细致、针法活泼、色彩清雅的独特风格, 地方特色浓郁。 Suzhou embroidery Earlier in the year 220-280 during the Three Kingdoms are recorded on the Suzhou Embroidery Production. . In late Qing Dynasty, Suzhou Embroidery on technology has been further developments, emerging fine " double-sided embroidery ", Suzhou Embroidery with beautiful patterns, ideas subtle, meticulous, acupuncture and lively, color unique style of elegant, rich with local characteristics. Guangdong embroidery Yong Jeong - the first year of the Tang Dynasty in 805 ad, a young girl named Lu meiniang Nanhai county has about one foot on a piece of silk embroidery on the surface of seven volumes of the saddharma - sutra. Embroidery mainly based in Phoenix, flowers, and so on, the position is full, homogeneous symmetric, color contrast, a splendid. 粤绣唐代的永贞元年(公元805 年),广东南海县一位名叫卢媚娘的少女曾在一块一尺左右的绢面上绣出七卷《法华经》,粤绣从此名扬天下。绣品主要取材于龙凤、花鸟等,图案构图饱满、均齐对称,色彩对比强烈、富丽堂皇。 Sichuan embroidery To mixed and color as the main raw material as early as the Han dynasty 206~ the 220 century BC, is the name of, the Government of the Han Dynasty also specifically set in Chengdu, " Kam officer " to manage. Precise and smooth, bright flat style, composition,, a deep round, color crisp. 蜀绣蜀绣以软缎和彩丝为主要