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2022软件工程总结 软件工程的总结 6.docx

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2022软件工程总结 软件工程的总结 6.docx

上传人:mama1 2022/2/6 文件大小:35 KB


2022软件工程总结 软件工程的总结 6.docx



ommon for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right : a and customers create use-cases to help the software team understand how different claes of end-users will use : a -case actors are always people, never system : b patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common : a win-win negotiation, the customer’s needs are met even though the developer’s need may not : b requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical : b
-oriented domain analysis is concerned with the identification and specification of reusable capabilities within an application : a structured analysis models focus on the structure of the claes defined for a system along with their : b and refinement of use cases if an important part of scenario-based : a is important to consider alternative actor interactions when creating a preliminary use : b is one technique that may be used to derive a complete set of use case : a many cases there is no need to create a graphical representation of a usage : a or more attributes of a data object must be defined as a key to allow the location of an instance of the data : a are chosen for an object by examining the problem statement and identifying the entities that appear to be : b analysis package involves the categorization of analysis model elements into useful : a data flow diagram must be augmented by min-spec that can serve as a guide th